In the original game, the tower-climbing block puzzles could often be insanely difficult and lowering the difficulty mostly just added mechanics or items to make the climbing easier. Vincent must reach the top before the tower falls out from underneath him or before one of several bosses catches up to him. Items are also available either to find as you scale the tower, or for sale between sections.

Blocks will fall if not properly supported and some blocks have special properties such as being booby trapped or made of ice. In the dreams, Vincent, essentially, must push and pull various blocks to form staircases that he can ascend. The gameplay is split up between the puzzle solving sections of the nightmares and the social sims sections of the Stray Sheep bar. That should serve as a pretty good indication of the story’s ability to be gripping. During my first playthrough of the game, two of my friends actually watched me play almost the entirety of it. While most characters are fairly minor, they all still have distinguishable personalities and are brought to life well, many by several Persona veterans such as Liam O’Brian (Akihiko from Persona 3) and Erin Fitzgerald (Chie from Persona 4). Despite the absolute absurdity of the overall premise, the game actually tells a fairly mature story that touches on marriage, pregnancy, and acceptance of people’s differences. The story is well told with anime cutscenes sprinkled throughout and Vincent’s relationship troubles are more engaging than one might think. Rin is woven into the original story pretty effectively and the new scenes do not feel out of place. Outside of the nightmares, Vincent spends most of his time at the Stray Sheep bar where he can interact with his friends as well as other patrons and employees at the bar. Full Body notably adds a third character named Rin who Vincent can pursue as well.
While dealing with these nightmares he must also figure out how to handle the fact that he is cheating on his girlfriend. At the same time, he begins having mysterious nightmares in which he must climb towers each night, where failure to reach the top in time, results in death in the real world. The result is a very similar, but much more enjoyable experience.įor the uninitiated, the game follows a man name Vincent Brooks, who upon facing pressures to get married from his longtime girlfriend Katherine, finds himself waking up to another woman, Catherine, one night.

Now 8 years later, Atlus has rereleased the game as Catherine Full Body with several new additions and improvements. It certainly was like nothing else seen before with its combination of social simulation and block puzzles. The original Catherine released in 2011 to favorable reception.